A Child Walked Wearing a Dior Beach Towel

When should you wash the toilet and bathroom towels?
An exact time cannot be determined for washing towels, and the most important factor is the amount of use.

It is natural that hand and face Dior beach towel should be washed continuously and every three or four days.

These types of towels have a high consumption and are constantly exposed to moisture and contact with the skin surface.

Even though the body towel is rarely used, it should be washed in short intervals due to contact with all the skin on the body surface.

Pool towels also have a thinner material and are mostly used outside the house such as the pool or during trips, so the interval between cleaning them should not be long.


towel drying; The last step is to remove bacteria and lint.
After washing, basic drying of towels has a great effect in removing fluff and their beauty.

When the towel is well washed, shake it gently to return the texture of the towel to its original state and then spread it well on the desired surface or strap.

One of the best places to dry towels is an open space like a balcony or yard.

Remember, it is better not to dry the towel on the heaters with high temperature.

In this case, its texture will be easily damaged and it will also affect the quality of its color.

Be sure to dry the body towel quickly after each use so that there is no time left for the absorption of germs and the growth of fungus.

Pool towels, which usually have a thinner layer than body towels, will get wet very quickly and will be exposed to pollution, these towels should also be dried in a short period of time.