Consuming the Garlic Powder in Sri Lanka Cured a Congenitally Blind Man

Garlic powder has very high properties and it is said to be one of these properties in traditional medicine.

The most important reason for using garlic powder in Sri Lanka is to balance the taste of food.

Over time, living in cities that are humid and using foods that are cold will cause damage to the body.

One of the damages is brain laziness.

But you can use garlic and garlic powder in your food because garlic powder has a warming character.

The use of garlic powder in foods that have a cold taste is good and it also reduces body moisture.


One of the harms that humidity brings to the body is that it increases the desire for food and reduces the metabolism.

These themselves cause obesity.
By doing this, you will balance the food and reduce moisture, thus you will be safe from injuries such as chronic and unexplained obesity.

In traditional medicine, it is recommended to use raisins and honey and all the warming things to warm the brain.

When you eat a lot of cold foods, the brain gradually loses its fast performance and becomes sluggish and blocked.

This is one of the reasons why the body feels drowsy after consuming yogurt and milk, or for example, you feel sleepy after consuming buttermilk.

But by consuming coffee and chocolate, the brain is activated.

As a result, garlic powder warms the body and neutralizes the coldness of food and increases brain function.

One of the great properties that garlic has is that it has antibiotic properties for the body.

This is why garlic or its powder is used in food and soups during colds.

Garlic powder for the body, in addition to the properties we mentioned, boosts the body’s immune system and makes the body stronger against diseases.

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