Saad Abad Palace Which Is Built with Amazonite Marble in India

This eternal substance is extracted from the earth and remains stable for centuries.

This issue makes it possible to restore and reuse marble.

For example, large slabs of this stone can be converted into smaller pieces or used for decorative purposes.

In the following, we explain the use of amazonite marble in India in different parts of the structure:

Interior decoration
In addition to strength and durability, marble also has outstanding appearance characteristics.

These stones are one of the most popular materials for interior decoration with their exceptional streaks and diverse color palette.

There are 4 types of marble: Raw marble that is freshly quarried and sawn.


Polished marble that has a smooth and shiny appearance.

A marble stone that has been given a medium finish and has a matte and smooth appearance.

The natural color of this type of stone is preserved.

And another type, marble that is polished with a diamond brush and the surface is a little rough.

Marble is usually used in interior decoration such as flooring, walls, kitchen counters, bathroom faucets, furniture and decorative elements.

Building facades
If you take a look at the Acropolis of Athens, the Colosseum in Rome or the Taj Mahal, you will know that marble has long been used as a symbol of social prestige in the exterior of structures.

Due to its unique features, marble is widely used in the facade of structures.

In addition, it is resistant to heat, cold, humidity and erosion and is used in facade construction.

Marble is considered one of the most available natural stones, and for this reason, it has been one of the most widely used architectural materials in all ages.

Since in the past there were no modern advanced machines, architects tried to use material that has high strength and cutting ability.

In this case, it was possible to create memorable buildings.

In fact, due to having all the unique physical and appearance characteristics, marble has become an eternal material for building.

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