The Use of Seaweed Paper in Sri Lanka in Cleaning the Ears

Seaweed grows around or in salt water and has different types.

It usually contains a lot of healthy minerals that are easy for the body to digest.

Adding seaweed paper in Sri Lanka to your diet plan can help with thyroid function, digestive health, and weight loss.

Types of seaweed include:

a light
Blue green algae such as spirulina and chlorella
This versatility makes it easy to add seaweed to a variety of recipes.

It is possible to eat large amounts of seaweed, but some people should also avoid it.


Each type of seaweed contains different types of nutrients and minerals.
However, in general, consuming seaweed is a simple way to provide vitamins and minerals without the need to consume a lot of calories.

As an article in Marine Drugs shows, seaweed is a good supplement for the following:

An article in the Journal of Applied Science shows that different types of seaweed contain beneficial nutrients such as:
Vitamin C
Vitamin B
Vitamin A
Seaweed also contains antioxidants that protect the body against oxidative stress and reduce cellular inflammation.

The thyroid gland controls and releases hormones for energy production, cell growth and repair.

The thyroid needs iodine for its proper functioning, but the amount depends on the thyroid condition of each person.

Iodine deficiency is one of the causes of hypothyroidism.

As a result of goiter progression, visible enlargement of the thyroid gland occurs.
People are able to prevent and improve hypothyroidism by making sure to consume a diet that contains adequate amounts of iodine.

Hyperthyroidism also occurs when the thyroid gland is overactive and produces too much hormone.

Taking too much iodine can worsen the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Seaweed is rich in iodine.

According to studies in the Journal of Food and Drug Reviews, kombu, wakame and nori are the richest sources of iodine.

Kelp powder is also included in this category.
The type of seaweed and the place where it grows changes the amount of iodine in it.

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